


Human resources is an essential part of every business organisation which is held responsible for management and arranging various resources that are beneficial for them in long term process. It is framed for the purpose of increasing employee performance in services of an employer’s strategic aims and objectives. The role of human resources manager lies into various categories such as staffing, employee compensation and benefits etc. This project aims to provide vital information about purpose and functions of HRM and strength and weakness of recruitment as well as selection. Apart from this benefits to workface by the help of HRM practices are mentioned effectively under this report. Evaluation of various factors that influence the decision making and key component of employment legislation are discussed positively in this report. Rationale for the application of a particular HRM practices are examine by the help of various examples in relation to effective growth and sustainability in near future (Abdelhak, Grostick and Hanken, 2014).

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P1: Purpose and functions of HRM and application to workforce planning

In every business organisation, it has been noticed that Human resources is playing an eminent role in the formulation of effective plan for the company. HR practitioners in Small or medium size business those are having well-rounded expertise that can provide a wide number of services in context to employee benefits as well as their growth. The major role of HR is to arrange and manager workforces in well organise manner so that business can operate in more effective and efficient manner. The Human resource management convers crucial areas of staffing, recruiting, selecting, appraising and motivating people to get better results in coming period of time. It would work for the attaining overall aims and objectives of the firm that are also helpful for future strategies (Bloom and Van Reenen, 2011). The main purpose of HRM is to increase the profitability as well as growth of the business in reliable manner. There are certain some and nature as well as scope of human resources management that are mentioned underneath:


  • HRM is an ongoing process which is continues for the long time.
  • It consists of various functions those are related with the training, performance appraisal, selection and workforce planning etc.
  • This seems to be consider as appropriate part of management.
  • It can be applicable at all the levels of the department those are working in the company.


  • They are responsible for providing proper training to employees and staffs those are working in the department.
  • Enhance the motivational position of employees and other staffs that are operating in an organisation (Functions of HRM,2017).
  • Hiring, apprising and selection of new candidates are taken into account.
  • Safety and securities of employees is primary concern of the HRM.

Following the are functions of HRM:

  • Training and development: These are said to be indispensable functions of HRM. It is usually attempts to make modification in present and future performance of an employees through increasing the knowledge and ability of an employee. It can be done by providing education and training activities (Daley, 2012).
  • Management of employee relationship: It has been determining that employees are consider as one of important part of an organisation. The relationship with board members and their vital function and decision making is important. They are having ability to make impact on behaviour and outcomes that are generated during the time.
  • Maintaining positive working environment: There are certain human resources management that used to provide positive working situation to employees so that they can make better results in more quick time. The study will have found that employees does not contribute vital goals of an organisation.

Comparison with best fit method Vs best practice



It is an individual bundle of HR policies that consist of reward system to an employees.

A company can reward systems that would be aligned to make support the organisations business planning.

It lead to increase motivation and committed employees that are consider as key aspects for the company.

The outcomes are attain in respect to get competitive advantage of the company.

Role and responsibility of Human resources officer:

They are associated with the functions such as training and motivation program of the department.


  • Commercial awareness is primary target of HR officers.
  • Effective management skills can be needed to be taken into account.
  • Ability to motivate and keep team spirit.
  • Information technology skills are needed to be taken into account.


  • The major responsibility is to recruiting and developing staffs.
  • Pension and benefits management of an organisation.
  • Looking after all the health and safety as well as welfare of every staffs and employees that are working in Say it with chocolate (Fulton and et. al., 2011).

P2 Strengths and weaknesses of various recruitment and selection approaches

According to human resource management, recruitment is a process of finding and hiring an appropriate individual who is best qualified for the vacant job. The process of recruitment involves inviting applicants, screening all the applicants, hiring them after various personality and aptitude tests and then provide them relevant training for the job. Selection is a process of choosing an appropriate candidate for the vacant job, selection is a process where candidates are actually appointed whereas recruitment process only includes searching suitable candidates.

Say it with chocolate hires efficient employees who have expertise in the field of making personalised and custom chocolates by various internal and external sources of recruitment and few them are listed below:

Internal sources of recruitment and selection

Promotion– Promotion is an internal source by which employees are promoted or moved in upward direction, or rehired for higher position. By using this recruitment technique employees of the organisation gets motivated to work better so that they can be benefited by promotion.

Transfer– According to this source of recruitment, employees are transferred to some different department or branch of the same organisation. This recruiting technique results in convenience of various employees (Grumam and Saks, 2011).

Employee referrals– According to this, existing employees refers their family members or friends for the vacant position in the organisation.

Strengths: Internal sources of recruitment saves time and cost of the organisation, as it does not involves hiring any new candidates. Human resource manager already knows strengths and capabilities of the existing employees so it makes easy for them to select existing personnel for new vacancies.

Weaknesses: More than one existing employee can be appropriate for vacant position which leads towards conflicts between employees and sometimes also results in partiality from managers.

External sources of recruitment and selection

External sources of recruitment are those which are not related with the organisation like job fairs, campuses, factory gates etc. few of them are described below:

Campus placements– Organisations hire employees by conducting campus interview programs it helps employer to employ fresh talents.

Factory gate – Factory gate is a source of external recruitment, where factory manager affix or paste a circular about hiring temporary employees at the factory gate so that cost and time can be saved (Iles, Chuai and Preece, 2011).

Labour contractors- Instead of hiring labours individually, factory manager hires a contractor who hires all labours and in addition all the responsibilities and liabilities of these labours are confined with contractor only.


External sources of recruitment allow employer to appointing fresh new talent, this source is helpful as new talent can serve innovation ideas. Also, there is no scope of partiality in external sources of selection.


This source involves high costs and time, as recruiting new talents requires ample of money and time. Recruiting new talents leads to train new staff members which needs a lot of time, the process of selecting appropriate employee can be a crucial task to perform.


P3: Benefits of various HRM practices within an organisation

In every organisation, it has been found that human resources management is always working for the sake for increase goodwill of say it with chocolate. They are the asset of any business organisation in accordance with the appropriate skills and capabilities. They are having certain kind of individual, personnel and other workforces that are responsible for managing the entire activities of Say it with chocolate company (Kraaijenbrink, Spender and Groen, 2013). there are various benefits of HRM practices that are valuable for the company in future planning and administration of valuable resources. Some of them are discussed underneath:

Contingency recruitment: It is considering as appropriate agreement among the recruitment company and the employer to completer a specific vacancy. The recruiters can have paid for that particular recruitment in case the candidate get selected for the job. It has been seen that both employees and employers are working in reliable ways that can be responsible for managing their personal and professional life in better manner.

Behaviour and outcomes: This leads to be more profitable aspect for the company in order to attain long term durability. The HRM practice develops a valuable working culture within an organisation that create positive relationship between an organisation. It used to produce superior performance that can increase the profitability for the business (Manroop, Singh and Ezzede

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